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Wraparound - Breakfast & Afterschool

We offer wraparound care for our Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children.

Breakfast— from 7.30am until 8.45am. A healthy breakfast is provided alongside a range of activities. Cost per session - £5.


Afterschool—from 3.30pm until 5.50pm. A cooked meal is provided at 4.45pm. There are a range of games and activities led by our staff.
Cost per session - £12. The latest collection is at 5.50pm.
We also offer pickup before 4.15pm—cost per session £6.


To book please log on to your ParentPay account at *

If you do not have a ParentPay account, please request an activation letter from the school office. 

Whilst we are an inclusive mainstream school, we need to ensure that we are meeting the needs of all children. Children with additional support needs will need to be individually assessed by the school. This is to ensure that we can safely meet children’s needs within our current staffing levels. We do not have the capacity to provide additional staff in our Wraparound Clubs and cannot provide one-to-one or small group support during the extended school day.

If your child has additional support needs or an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) please send your request to before booking After School, Breakfast Club or any other after school club.  We will carry out a Health and Safety Risk Assessment and discuss your request with you on an individual basis.

Please ensure that you provide us with at least two weeks’ notice prior to booking any extended day provision so we can conduct a risk assessment for your child before making a decision about offering them a place.

Any queries please contact the school office on 0208 890 3814 or alternatively email